Hot stuff from our kitchen to yours.

Are you familiar with our free What’s Cooking cards? Discover trends, positive quotes and of course fantastic recipes to take home. We are here to inspire your conscious and healthy lifestyle. Especially for you, with love from our kitchen.

Tok Tok.piep

Bake, boil, peel or poach. You can really do anything with an egg, but it’s easier said than done. On TikTok you will find the most diverse hacks to handle your eggs conveniently. We’ve collected some for you. Are you going to try them out?

Really time to enjoy your egg? Then try this sandwich or have fun with the egg challenge.

Egg-ceptional Farming.

An egg tastes better if it is a sustainable egg. The eggs we use at our locations come from the Eike farm. This is a fully sustainable farm, where the manure is collected for heating the stables. The chickens there are not only kept nice and warm, they are also fed fresh worms in combination with vegetable feed from the rapeseed and sunflower fields around the farm.

The farm breeds the chickens itself. The gender is checked by amniocentesis. Before the embryo develops, it can be decided to sell the eggs from which a hen would hatch as edible eggs. This means that hens are not slaughtered unnecessarily. The entire process from egg – to chicken – to egg is transparent and 100% circular. That is why this chicken farm has an ‘On the way to PlanetProef’ quality mark.

Check out their website

Did you know that …

… white eggs are more sustainable than brown ones? A white chicken lays white eggs and a brown one lays brown eggs. Many people think that it depends on the type of food, but that is not the case. A white chicken needs less food. Therefore, less feed needs to be produced. And that means less CO2 emissions. In addition, white chickens remain productive longer and lay more eggs per year. Much better for the environment. And also for our wallet. The white eggs are often cheaper, while the quality is just as good as the brown ones. The brown eggs are mainly produced because the consumer prefers a brown egg. So purely cosmetic.


Like a Virgin?

A virgin Bloody Mary is simply very healthy! It is high in antioxidants from the tomatoes and celery it contains. Do you beat a raw egg through it? Then you immediately get your kick of protein! Overall you can enjoy this Bloody Mary every day!

Shake it up!

Eggtive cooking.

Egg is a versatile and delicious ingredient and can be eaten all day long. Do you think you’ve tried everything and are you a real eggspert? Then you might need some fresh inspiration for your latest egg creation. We have selected a few nice egg cookbooks for you. You’ll find recipes from a classic Eggs Benedict to an exotic emu egg omelette. Get your kitchen eggtivities going!

The Gourmand’s Egg – a Collection of Stories Eieren Ode aan het ei Keukenkastje ei 29 methodes met ei Alles over ei en eiergerechten


Too hard, too soft, but never the perfect boiled egg? The Piep-egg helps with that. Put the Piep-egg and the eggs in the pan at the same time. Once the egg has reached the right temperature for the expected hardness, the Piep-egg plays a melody.

Want to win one of the 18 Piep-eggs?
Scroll through the pages, search for the hidden Piep-eggs and let us know how many Piep-eggs you can find on our website! Below you’ll find four examples of the Piep-eggs we’ve hidden (these four do not count as hidden eggs):
Voorbeeld eieren

Participation is possible until 1 June 2023.

Eat yourself happy.

Dopamine and endorphins are our happy hormones. Endorphins lower stress and remove anxiety. In addition, it acts as a natural antidepressant. It is an important hormone to feel good. Endorphins are mainly produced by exercising, laughing, crying and daylight. And when you feel really good, your body produces dopamine. Dopamine is very important for the proper functioning of our nervous system. Food can stimulate the production of both hormones. So you can literally ‘eat yourself happy’!

Cocoa is the best known for producing endorphins. Who doesn’t grab a bar of chocolate as comfort food? If you want to make a healthier choice, you can also eat a bell pepper. The vitamins C in this vegetable provides an immediate boost. The scent of citrus fruits also immediately relaxes the nervous system. Therefore choose an orange or a lemon more often. Do you want to take it a bit more spicy? Then cook a dish with chili peppers. These hotties are scientifically proven to have an analgesic effect on your body. Dopamine is produced by two types of amino acids that are mainly found in bananas, legumes, nuts, seeds and dairy products, as well as in chicken, turkey and tofu. So you see: a healthy diet really does have a positive impact on your body and mind.


Hot stuff from our kitchen to yours!

What’s Cooking inspires you with trends,
positive quotes and delicious recipes for a conscious and healthy lifestyle.

Photography: Marieke Verdenius, Stock
Recipes: Vermaat Groep

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