Hot stuff from our kitchen to yours.

Are you familiar with our free What’s Cooking cards? Discover trends, positive quotes and of course fantastic recipes to take home. We are here to inspire your conscious and healthy lifestyle. Especially for you, with love from our kitchen.

Autumn salad with salsify.

During World War II, salsify was a common vegetable, because it was readily available at the time. After those years, everybody completely forgot salsify. A pity because salsify looks fantastic and tastes even better.

Salsify is often called the asparagus for the poor. The reason is the muddy skin, but we promise you it’s worth the effort. And unlike asparagus, they are very affordable. They have a slightly bitter, nutty flavor and tender, juicy flesh.

I’m curious!

Talking about streetfood…

Did you know there are two varieties of purslane? They are not related, but both are packed with flavor. One varieties grows between pavement tiles, real street food! The other variety – also called miner’s lettuce – grows in forest, gardens, and parks. Purslane is great in salads, with tomatoes, bell peppers and pine nuts. Try miner’s lettuce in a stew with potatoes, for example.


Rutabaga has a rough, greenish-yellow skin. It must be cooked before you can eat it. The yellow, fragrant flesh has a mild, sweet, and particularly aromatic flavor. Like several other types of cabbage, rutabaga is rich in vitamins. October-March is rutabaga season.


Drink clean, refill & be green

Always have your own cup on hand! Wouldn’t that be great – and sustainable too? What’s Cooking has 100 mugs to give away. Want one? Fill out the form and maybe you’ll in one of these.

Parsnip salad with peach and quinoa.

Less and less people put parsnips in their recipes. A pity because it is a great ingredient. Nowadays, you can even find them in the supermarket, but many people have no idea what to do with it. We are here to help you!

Parsnip is a root vegetable, closely related to carrot. You can use it in the same way. Parsnips can be eaten raw, but cooking and grilling are options too. The taste differs from carrots in the sense that they are sweet as well, but also have some anise-like and – according to some – earthly and nutty flavors.

I’d like that!


Does this lamp look familiar to you? Could be because it was formerly known as… a pot of pickles. Rescued transforms Waste to Wonderful and creates unique elements for your interior, like this Pickle Light.

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Hot stuff from our kitchen to yours!

What’s Cooking inspires you with trends,
positive quotes and delicious recipes for a conscious and healthy lifestyle.

Photography: Marieke Verdenius, Stock
Recipes: Vermaat Groep

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© Vermaat