Hot stuff from our kitchen to yours.

Are you familiar with our free What’s Cooking cards? Discover trends, positive quotes and of course fantastic recipes to take home. We are here to inspire your conscious and healthy lifestyle. Especially for you, with love from our kitchen.


Did you know, the average Dutch person throws away 34 kilos of food every year. 34 kilos! , which adds up to roughly 120 euros. But there is good news, we can help you become more conscious and sustainable without putting in too much effort. That way you can spend that 120 euro on other things this summer.

Enjoy your summer and let’s get wasted!





Rabbits, gather around! Just kidding of course, but you may have to get used to nibbling on carrot leaves (foliage) for example. Most of the time these leaves end up being thrown away (or given to your pet to enjoy). But did you know that you can eat vegetable leaves just fine? It’s very good to use in salads, syrup or made into a delicious pesto. We share our favourite foliages, the best ways to process and a yummy pesto recipe made from carrot leaves.

Carrot foliage. Taste: light carrot flavour with a parsley spiciness, slightly bitter. Use: raw in a salad, base for pesto, stir fried in olive oil with garlic.

Turnip foliage. Taste: quite bitter, but don’t let that stop you! Use: braise with a rubust flavour like garlic or (vegetarian) bacon and cook it well, too well even. Delicious!

Beetroot foliage. Taste: both taste and texture are very similar to that of chard and wild spinach. Use: simply stir fried, in a savory pie or finely chopped in a salad.

Radish foliage. Taste: closely resembles arugula, milder than the radish itself. Use: in a salad, stir fried or pureed in pesto or soup.


The green leaves of carrots are super healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals.

The taste is a subtle combination of carrot and parsley. This pesto recipe is super easy to prepare and great with pasta, on a crusty French bread, with grilled vegetables….

Leaf it to the pro’s.







Summer vibes!

And… What are you doing this summer? Going out to enjoy the beach, the park or simply the backyard? With our sustainable tips and gadgets, you’ll experience sunny no-waste summer months.

Seas the day!




Life’s batter with cake.

Did you know that leftover vegetables are great to use in a sweet treat? How about a beetroot-chocolate cake, zucchini-parsnip care or a pumpkin cake?

Our favourite: carrot cake! We share the recipe for this delicious, velvet cake made with whole wheat flour. Bake one big cake or make them into muffins.

Bake it easy!

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

That’s exactly what Botanic Brewer Lowlander thinks. In addition to a range of fantastic beers, Lowlander has a botanically brewed 0.0% white beer with reclaimed orange & lemon peels. Every year, some 250 million pounds remain after fresh juice is squeezed. We think that’s a juicy initiative!

Curious? Get a 10% discount on your Lowlander order using the code ‘vermaat10’ (This code is valid until October 1st 2022)

Tap here for beer.


Do you want to become a waste warrior too, but could use some help?

Good news!

We’re giving away 10 copies of the cookbook ‘Zero-Waste’ by Jeroen de Pauw. With this cookcook you’ll learn to cook waste free with everyday recipes. Want a shot at the book giveaway? Fill in the form below. Among the entries, 10 cookbooks will be gifted. You can register until October 1, 2022.

Tasty snack: carrot chips.

Crispy, a little bit salty and packed with flavour. Ideal as a snack, these carrot chips will become your new healthy and sustainable addiction. They are made from carrot peelings and seasoned with your favourite herbs.

Snack attack!





Hot stuff from our kitchen to yours!

What’s Cooking inspires you with trends,
positive quotes and delicious recipes for a conscious and healthy lifestyle.

Photography: Marieke Verdenius, Stock
Recipes: Vermaat Groep

Should you have any questions, comments or would like to get in touch with us for another reason? Please send us an e-mail:

© Vermaat