Sustainable tips & gadgets.

Plastic fantastic.

Are you familiar with plastic fishing? This term is used for the initiative of clearing trash from beaches and letting your creativity run wild. But how does it work? Collect trash and transform it into an artpiece. Post your art picture with #plasticfishing + location and then dispose of the waste properly.

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chef’s special.

Interview with Rene van der Weijden.

You are crazy about all kinds of fermentation techniques, a way of preserving products to make them last longer. Where does this interest come from?

“Kitchens that I’ve worked in produced a lot of waste, which is a waste. I wanted to do something about this and so I dived in this interesting world of fermentation. It’s a big part of our daily life. Think of coffee, tea, cheese, soy sauce or bread. But fermentation is so much more than that! New flavours, textures and depths are developing in fermented products. In a nutshell, fermentation is a great tool to take your dishes to the next level.”

Wow! This sounds amazing! How do you apply this at H&A?

“We try to use products from ‘head to tail’. Everything, even parts you wouldn’t even consider using. Like the pods of peas. We use this to make shaved ice for our pea dish. Or the membranes and sinews of a cows heart, from which we make a garum (a fermented fish sauce from the Roman era). We put away whole fish in jars with lots of salt and let them ferment for months, giving you an umami-rich substance. Of course, we also use waste for more basic preperations like sauerkraut from the leaves of a cauliflower or pickling vegetable leftovers.”

To what extent do you include the guests in your vision of waste? Should I notice something as a guest?

“In our restaurant, fair products are our numner 1. We like to take guests through the philosophy behind it, as part of the storytelling of a dish. Take our tomato dish ‘Coeur de Boeuf’ for example. The name for this type of beef tomato literally means ‘beef heart’. That’s how we came up with the idea of actually combining this tomato with beef heart. We make a bottarga of beef heart which we shave over the tomato dish. From the tomato heart trimmings we make a garum, in which we marinate the tomato. We ferment the tomato butts into a nice umami rich dressing. A full dish with two basic products. Our guests love the story!”

What do you think the future looks like in terms of food & beverage? And what’s your vision?

“My vision of the future of food & beverage is increasing sustainability. Making more use of fair grown fruits and vegetables, an honest meat industry, and using smart ways to turn your waste product back into energy and raw materials. As far as I’m concerned, the mass meat industry could close its doors, but we are the ones who have to take the first step. Eating more conciously and not concentrating on eating meat or fish every day. Vegetables are the real star performer. Today’s way of consuming is no longer justifiable in this day and age. At Hemel & Aarde, we try to impart to our guests on how they can still eat delicious and special in a smart and creative way.”

What’s cooking podcast

Coeur de boeuf not only is the French word for beef heart; it’s also a juice beef tomato. René van der Weijden, chef in Hemel & Aarde, likes experimenting and puns. This combination of ingredienst make an appetizing umami bomb.

Listen now! (Dutch)


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